The symbol for optimum energy efficiency

The ECO seal of approval for VOGEL&NOOT panel radiators indicates their compatibility with all (renewable) energy sources and is therefore proof of their economically and ecologically effi cient heat emission.
Panel radiators cover a very wide range of flow temperatures, whereby compatibility with all energy sources is possible.

Reduction in energy costs
Test results from the renowned Pinkafield University of Applied Sciences show that, by replacing outdated sectional radiators with new VOGEL&NOOT panel radiators, an average potential saving of 15 % can be attained.
CO2 reduction
Due to the broad compatibility with energy sources and the reduced energy consumption, VOGEL&NOOT panel radiators make a positive contribution to climate protection.

"VOGEL&NOOT’s valve radiators are factory-preadjusted to create further increases in the energy efficiency of heat dissipation."
Ing. Peter Doppelreiter, Product Group Leader Steel Panel Radiators
Added value with modern low-temperature radiators [Many benefits with panel radiators]
Compatible with all energy sources:
• Range of supply temperatures from between 90 ° and less than 40 °C
• Perfect for the combination with low-temperature heat sources (heat pump, solar energy …)Enormous potential for cost reduction with new buildings & renovations:
• Approx. 15 % less energy costs with replacement radiators (as comp. with old element radiators)
• Thanks to high performance, only low system temperatures are requiredExtremely fast control in the heating-up and cooling time
• Fast reaction time after sudden temperature changes (less energy)
• High efficiency due to short cooling & heating-up times • Control is of very good quality
Respectarea standardelor de protectia mediului [41% din emisiile de CO2 sunt determinate de cladiri]
In intreaga lume, sunt luate masuri pentru economisirea energiei si conservarea resurselor planetei. VOGEL&NOOT sustine aceste eforturi cu radiatoare de inalta tehnologie si sisteme de incalzire prin pardoseala care asigura randament termic sporit si confort termic optim protejand totodata mediul inconjurator.
Meeting the increased environmental awareness [41% of the CO2 emissions are caused by buildings]
Throughout the world, efforts are being made to save energy and conserve our planet’s resources. VOGEL&NOOT is supporting these efforts with high-tech radiators and underfloor heating systems in order to permit efficient heat output in conditions of complete comfort.